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      當(dāng)前位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品 > 德國SINCOTEC高頻疲勞試驗機(jī)公司 > 產(chǎn)品正文  
      關(guān) 注 度:8604


      Test technology - From the beginning to SincoTec

      SincoTec today

      Staff: 60 highly motivated people

      Area: ca. 24000 m²

      Testing center: ca. 120 innovative test systems

      Our own manufacturing, software and control electronics. Test services in our own test laboratory, consulting and seminars regarding fatigue strength.

      We offer our customers test systems based on the latest design – Newest testing procedures and technologies – Testing and measurements in our own test laboratory to always new challenges – R & D subjects to conquer new grounds.

      2007 Award of the August-Wöhler-Medal to Dr.-Ing. Joachim Hug

      2006 Workshop on the occasion of 15 year existence of Sincotec GmbH

      2005 Inauguration of the new training and presentation center

      2003 Inauguration of the new test hall for the "Test & Engineering Center"

      2002 Aquisition of the new hall for the SincoTec "Test Systems"

      2002 First POWER SWING NewLine, universal resonance test machine

      2000 Aquisition of the F & E building

      1999 Enlargement of the SincoTec "Test & Engineering Center"; new hall

      1995  IHK-Award for Transfer of Technology for Dr. Ing. Joachim Hug
               Resonance testing system for the fatigue analysis on components and materials

      1993 First POWER SWING, universal resonance test machine

      1991 Founding of the SincoTec Bauteil-Prüftechnik GmbH off the Institute for Fatigue Analysis           by Dr.-Ing. Joachim Hug

      1968 Founding of the Technische Universität Clausthal from the Mining Academy Clausthal

      1864 Founding of the Mining Academy Clausthal from the Mining School Clausthal

      1832 Invention of wire rope in Clausthal Zellerfeld by Julius Albert

      1828 Development of the world’s first dynamic test stand in Clausthal Zellerfeld by Julius                Albert after four years of testing on chains for mining shafts

      1775 George III. of Hanover creates the Mining School in Clausthal



      High frequency pulsators
      Universal test systems

      POWER SWINGLY 5 kN, 10 kN, 20 kN

      POWER SWING MOT 50 kN, 100 kN, 150 kN, 250 kN, 400 kN, 600 kN and 1.000 kN

      POWER SWING MAG 5 kN, 10 kN, 20 kN, 50 kN, 100 kN, 150 kN, 250 kN, 400 kN, 600 kN



      Universal resonance pulsators are manufactured as 5 kN, 10 kN, 20 kN, 50 kN, 100 kN, 150 kN, 250 kN, 400 kN, 600 kN and 1.000 kN and with the accordant devices they are even suitable for the discharge of bending and torsion loads, beside the axial load of components.

      These machines are quoted with two different drive systems.

      1. Component test machine with electromotive POWER SWING MOT drive

      Advantage: Large displacements up to 12 mm; suitable for components with big strokes, damping and components with clearance.

      2. Material test machine with electromagnetic POWER SWING MOT drive

      Advantage: Test frequencies up to 300 Hz

      Using resonance test technology and the high test frequencies involved, it is possible to reduce the test periods up to a factor of 10 and test costs up to a factor of 200. A resonance test machine amortizes completely within the first two years because of the extremely low energy costs, compared to servohydraulic systems.

      Because of the innovative and universal software, not only single step tests but also tensile tests, characteristic curves, block programs, RANTEC-tests (service load tests) and fracture mechanical tests can be accomplished.

      Due to the universality of these test systems, nearly all strength relevant components and units can be tested.


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